Lois Anne Sebatane

Women of Charity » Humanitarian Service

Lois Sebatane is an educationist and humanitarian who has contributed to the establishment of national NGOs in Lesotho in the following areas: HIV/AIDS, nonformal and adult education, early childhood education, and consumer education. Born, raised, and educated in Utah, Sebatane joined the Peace Corps shortly after graduating in 1967 from Westminster College in Salt Lake City. Since that time, Sebatane has served on committees that developed policies for Early Childhood Education, organized and established the Lesotho national HIV/AIDS organization that coordinates all HIV/AIDS activities in the country, organized and helped establish both the Lesotho Nonformal and Adult Education Association, and the Consumer Education Association in Lesotho, among other activities dealing with women and children’s issues. Sebatane has also obtained grants that contribute to the training of Basotho in areas of entrepreneurship (small business development), HIV/AIDS awareness, and general rural development projects in agriculture, business skills, and other development areas. Sebatane has retired from teaching at the National University of Lesotho, but continues her efforts to help the Basotho people in their fight against HIV/AIDS and in improving education resources for children and parents in literacy and problems of children with disabilities.

Lois Anne Sabatane